Double Dutch & Being a Cool Girl
Marian Pontz Marian Pontz

Double Dutch & Being a Cool Girl

In the late 1960s, entrance into the cool girl gang on the playground of Aloysius Fitzpatrick Elementary School was given for a number of reasons—natural beauty, cool clothes. But, if you possessed neither of those (which I did not), then your last resort entrance could be found in being able to jump rope double dutch.

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Ask Yourself: Why?
Marian Pontz Marian Pontz

Ask Yourself: Why?

How to examine what you’re teaching and make sure it has relevance to your audience.

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Needing Help — And Being Smart Enough to Ask For It
Marian Pontz Marian Pontz

Needing Help — And Being Smart Enough to Ask For It

I recently applied for the opportunity to be a student in a ten-week small business incubator course, run by a local non-profit (ASSETS). The point of this class is to help you move forward in your new business endeavor.

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Finding Our Superpowers
Marian Pontz Marian Pontz

Finding Our Superpowers

For me, one of the true joys of being an educator was the ability to connect students to employers, people, books, movies, and more that enhanced their interests or solved their problems.

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The Power of Bringing in an Expert
Marian Pontz Marian Pontz

The Power of Bringing in an Expert

Exercise has always been a part of my DNA — but it took Chelsea Christmas, owner of At Her Core Fitness, to make each movement truly effective.

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What if Princess Di Had Been Given a Support System?
Marian Pontz Marian Pontz

What if Princess Di Had Been Given a Support System?

Are you old enough to remember Princess Diana of Wales? The once wife of King Charles, mother to Princes William and Harry, forever appreciated fashionista, and — most importantly to those who loved her, like myself — a true humanitarian.

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Cottagecore, Marie Antoinette, and Microscopes
Marian Pontz Marian Pontz

Cottagecore, Marie Antoinette, and Microscopes

Recently, a client of mine who is teaching a graduate level class lamented that every time she tried to incorporate some much-needed team building exercises, her students appeared hesitant, distracted, and wanted to instead find refuge in their phones.

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Presenting is Not Teaching
Marian Pontz Marian Pontz

Presenting is Not Teaching

My goal is to help experts in their field — who are now expected to teach their expertise — be as effective as possible. To not present their material like a preacher, a TED Talk, or a podcaster — but to use simple techniques to help students retain the information being shared.

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Finding Inspiration Everywhere
Marian Pontz Marian Pontz

Finding Inspiration Everywhere

Be curious, be interesting, be aware, and be ready to share that new podcast, television show, article, or event with your students.

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What We Can Learn From Magic Johnson and Babe Ruth
Marian Pontz Marian Pontz

What We Can Learn From Magic Johnson and Babe Ruth

As you read the histories of two incredibly successful athletes—Magic Johnson of the LA Lakers and Babe Ruth of NY Yankees—similarities emerge. They both had a bounty of natural talent, both earned winning championships as players… and both failed miserably as coaches.

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