Yoda Should Have Done a Little More Hand Holding

The fate of the world depended on the knowledge that the teacher would share — and yet, he often hesitated to share what he knew, wanting our protagonist to discover it for themselves. Granted, sometimes that’s a good idea — but, in many scenarios (this one included!), a little more attention and direction would have saved a lot of time, enabled additional information to be taught, and lessened the degree of unnecessary angst.

Educators should be provided support, but more often than not, they—instead—find themselves having to jump through imaginary hoops established not to aid them and their students, enhance learning, or ensure best practices — but instead complete bureaucratic details and paperwork. Educators, at every level, are both unduly burdened and neglected with the hope they will find their way through, given no helpful support but loads of roadblocks.

What real educators know is that, at some point, every teacher — even the ones with years of training and experience — could use a little help with a new project, idea, or student(s) you just can’t reach. 

If you have been hired for your professional expertise, not your training in education, my hope is that I can be your experienced guide — one that will give you real suggestions, direction, and, if needed, in-classroom guidance. Not overstepping, but providing hands-on guidance and real-world suggestions that can make your teaching experience effective and transformative for all—an accessible Yoda that doesn't talk in riddles.


Honor Your Authentic Selves, Your Gentle Selves


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