Our Services

Together, we can:

  • Break down any material or content into an actionable, impactful lesson plan.

  • Create curriculum for clinical professionals.

  • Turn curriculum requirements into daily, weekly, or semester-long lessons, based on the specific amount of time you have with your students.

  • Design specific and achievable learning objectives, including essential questions that you want your students to be able to answer at the end of your time together.

  • Write exams, knowledge tests, in-class projects, assignments, and more.

  • Translate education vocabulary — Being thrown into the world of education is like learning a whole new language. You don't have time to earn an M.Ed., but you’re an expert in your subject. I’ll help decode any academic jargon, so you can smoothly share your expertise with your students.

  • Build clear and effective grading standards and rubrics. For instance, what’s the difference between a checklist and a rubric — and which one is more effective in what situation?

  • Build authentic and positive bonds with your students.

  • Decide on an overall theme for your classroom — what kind of teacher do you want to be? What kind of classroom do you want to run? What are your guiding educational principles?

  • Develop a sense of calm and confidence in the classroom! I never left the classroom during my 35+ years in education. I never went into educational administration because I love the one-on-one experience you can only have with students in the classroom. However, I am also extremely aware of the changes that have happened in the classroom — not from the top down — especially in the last five years. Technology shifts, remote learning, last-minute changes… together, we’ve got this!

At Marian Pontz Consulting, I prioritize working with my clients in whatever format is best for them — and their future students! One-on-one planning and strategy sessions, convenient to your schedule — in person, via Zoom, phone, email, or text. 

If something you need isn’t included on this list above, I’d love to hear from you and chat about how I can be of help. When you need me, I'm there for you.

Questions? Get in touch.